The Best Short Squeeze Pick for This Week
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After many high short interest names moving this week, my best stock pick to take over the weekend in anticipation of a Short squeeze is REV 0.00%↑ . Now, why $REV? Well let’s take a look at why this stock can go and why I have taken a position in some call options.
This is the market’s most shorted stock at a whopping 61% of the float being sold short here. This is confirmed by S3 Shortsight Data here:
Not only is it confirmed by S3, but also by Ortex Data, so we can guarantee that this data is as accurate as it can get.
On the Ortex data we can see 71% of the float is being sold short with a 383% cost to borrow. These are pretty large numbers.
But that’s not it…
REV 0.00%↑ was just granted a $1.4 billion loan, but the market cap is only 433 million, so this is really good news for the company.
The short squeeze thesis gets even better from here though. Fintel data has REV 0.00%↑ as number 2 on their squeeze list, up 20 spots today. It was given a squeeze score of 99.12/100, extremely high
The options flow on REV 0.00%↑ has been insane the last two days as well. Huge institutional orders adding up to the millions have been bought. Some buyers even went as far as buying the 35C, when the stock is currently at 8, showing an expected 350% move in stock price.
All this call option activity has led REV 0.00%↑ not only to become a short squeeze target here, but also a gamma squeeze target. With the #1 spot on the Fintel gamma squeeze list, it has a score of 99.57/100 at the highest spot. The Net call OI is 50% of the float. If this decides to send this can not only squeeze out shorts, but also cause a gamma squeeze here.
To recap REV 0.00%↑ :
61% short interest on S3 Data
70% short interest on Ortex Data, confirming a high % of the float is short
400% cost to borrow as confirmed by Ortez
Granted a $1.4 billion loan on a stock with a $400 million market cap
Number 2 on the Fintel short squeeze list with a score of 99.12/10
Huge call option activity into the millions of dollars with not a single put being bought in unusual quantities.
Number 1 on the Fintel gamma squeeze list with a score of 99.57/100
Thanks for reading!